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Liaoning Light Industry Vocational College participated in the province's second batch of colleges and universities thematic education theory study work symposium

On January 10, Liaoning Light Industry Vocational College participated in the second batch of thematic education theory study work symposium organized by the Provincial Education Working Committee in Liaoning Transportation College。Hu Chengbo, Minister of the Propaganda Department of the Education Working Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and leader of the Working group of the Theme Education Theory study of the Education Working Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, presided over the meeting。Xu Chunxiu, deputy minister of the propaganda United Front Work Department of the Party Committee of Liaoning Light Industry Vocational College, made an exchange speech on the development of the theme education of the college。

The meeting pointed out that thought leads, theory first。The purpose of learning is to better guide practice, theme education should adhere to the overall integration of learning, research and opening, and hard work, so that the entrepreneurial spirit of Party members, cadres and officers can be effectively stimulated, and a strong atmosphere of real work can be formed。As the theme education is coming to an end, all colleges and universities must fix the good practices and experiences of the exploration of theme education in a timely institutional form, and establish and improve a series of feasible, practical and long-term effective institutional mechanisms。

The meeting stressed that if the beginning is completed with caution, nothing will fail。The province's colleges and universities should respect the end as the beginning, good work good success,Continue to deepen theoretical learning,To further carry out good thematic education and continue the learning effect of thematic education and consolidate the results of thematic education,Keep in mind the general requirements of the theme education of "learning ideology, strengthening party spirit, emphasizing practice and building new achievements",Anchor the new coordinates,Take on a new mission,Forge ahead and continue to struggle,To strive to achieve a new breakthrough in the revitalization of Liaoning,We will make new and greater contributions to the practice of Chinese modernization in Liaoning。

The leading comrades in charge of the study working group of the theme education theory of 22 colleges and universities in the province attended the meeting。